Patients: Your Journey to Becoming ACEs Aware Starts Here

happy woman playing piggyback with smiling child

ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and toxic stress are associated with increased risk of a wide range of health conditions in children and adults. Understanding and getting screened for ACEs provides a gateway to more effective care and healing.

Get Screened for ACEs

Find Medi-Cal providers who have attested to completing the certified Becoming ACEs Aware in California training, and are eligible to receive Medi-Cal payment for providing qualified ACE screenings.

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Get Tools to Manage Stress

Learning how to manage stress, or prevent it in the first place, can help us live healthier and longer lives. Stress Busters are evidence-based strategies to manage your day-to-day stress as well as counter toxic stress from Adverse Childhood Experiences.

Find Stress Busters that work for you >

Youth and Young Adults: Check out the Live Beyond website for unique resources and strategies to understand ACEs, manage toxic stress and heal from adversity.

ACEs Stories: How screening and intervention is improving lives

Healing from Toxic Stress (video)
Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, California’s first Surgeon General, describes the mechanism of the toxic stress response and its potentially harmful impact on health. She also discusses what individuals can do to begin regulating their stress response to improve health outcomes.

Learning with ACEs: An Educator’s Story (video)
Educators at an alternative high school in Sonoma County partnered with the County Office of Education to train staff on trauma-informed practices, ACEs, and toxic stress. Since they began implementing trauma-informed practices three years ago, the school has seen its graduation rate rise from 55% to 95%.

Healing with ACEs: A Pediatrician’s Story (video)
Hear from Dr. Eric Ball about why he screens for ACEs, and how he uses resiliency tools to best serve his patients and strengthen his team and practice.

“We have set a bold goal to cut ACEs and toxic stress in half in one generation. I believe that we can get there with shared vision, shared understanding, and cross-sector collaboration.”

Former California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris