Quality Sleep
We spend about a third of our life sleeping, yet many of us struggle to get a good night’s sleep. Quality sleep makes us feel rested and energized and can improve our health.
Sometimes, it can be hard to get quality sleep. A stressful day can keep us awake at night. Really stressful experiences can even rewire our brains, keep us too alert, and get in the way of a good night’s sleep. The good news is that there are ways we can improve our sleep and lower stress.
Check out the Stress Buster sleep strategies and see which ones might work best for you and the people you care about.

Experiencing a crisis? See these crisis and safety resources.
Want tips and tools to help you get a better night’s sleep? Here are resources that provide articles, videos, and audio tools.
General Information
- Quality Sleep Stress Buster Video (California Virtual Training Academy Resources)
- 12 Simple Tips to Improve Your Sleep (Harvard Medical School and WGBH Education Foundation)
- Sleeping Better (Kaiser Permanente)
- Sleep Health (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute)
- Stress Health: Sleep (Center for Youth Wellness)
I can’t sleep right now. Help!
- Write a To-Do list or journal: How Journaling Can Help You Sleep (Psychology Today)
- Qigong Breathing Exercises for Sleep and Relaxation (Dana-Farber Cancer Institute)
- 45-Minute Relaxing Sleep Music for Deep Sleep: Singing Pines (Headspace)
- Racing Thoughts While Trying to Sleep? Try This (Headspace)
- Use Progressive Muscle Relaxation:
- Progressive Muscle Relaxation exercise handout (US Department of Veterans Affairs)
- Progressive Muscle Relaxation video (American Lung Association)
- Practices to Help You Fall Asleep (Northwestern University Student Affairs)
Want more information about sleep disorders?
- Sleep disorders (Medline Plus, National Library of Medicine)
- Sleep Problems and PTSD (US Department of Veterans Affairs)
- If you are concerned you may have a sleep disorder, make an appointment with your primary care provider for further evaluation.
Free Apps that Support Healthy Sleep
- UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center’s Free Guided Meditations
- Insomnia Coach: a free created for everyone, including veterans and service members, to help manage insomnia.
For Caregivers and Families
- How to Help Kids Who Have Trouble Sleeping (Child Mind Institute)
- Progressive Muscle Relaxation video for kids (GoZen!)