Mindfulness Practices

“Mindfulness” – being aware and present in the moment – can help us take care of ourselves and lower our stress.

Being mindful increases our ability to pay attention, lowers our blood pressure, improves our mental health, and makes it less likely that we will get sick. Practicing mindfulness also helps calm our brain and body when stressful things happen in our life.

It can be hard to find time in our busy lives to be mindful. The good news is that even 2 to 10 minutes per day of a mindfulness activity can help. It is never too late to start.

Two people sitting on yoga mats on the floor of a living room, each doing the same meditation pose

Experiencing a crisis? See these crisis and safety resources.

Resources for Everyone

Want tips and tools to help you practice mindfulness? The following articles, videos, and audio tools can help. Also see available professional resources.

General Information


I want to practice mindfulness or meditation right now

Free Apps

Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness

  • Mindfulness can be difficult when we have experienced stressful life events. For further reading on trauma-informed and trauma-sensitive mindfulness practices:

For Kids

More Education on Mindfulness and Meditation

  • UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness: In addition to clinical care and research aimed at integrating mindfulness and compassion into individuals’ lives, the center offers a range of free education and outreach, including live medication practice sessions.
  • UMass Memorial Health Center for Mindfulness: The center offers free weekly online guided meditation, reflection, and discussion sessions.
  • The Free Mindfulness Project: Free online activities, including brief mindfulness practices, sitting medications, and guided imagery.