Community Grant Program Information
Current funding and types of ACEs Aware grants

“The ACEs Aware community grant program significantly advances our work. It recognizes the opportunity to reduce health disparities and inequities stemming from childhood adversity by building strong network of care teams across disciplines that are connected and trauma-informed.”
Since June 2020, ACEs Aware has awarded 210 grants totaling $64.5 million to organizations statewide to augment the state of California’s work on the ACEs Aware initiative.
To ensure clinicians and practices are equipped with evidence-based training, tools, and resources to effectively incorporate ACE screening into patient care, we have released two rounds of Request For Proposals for ACEs Aware grants in five categories.
The first round of grants provided funding to organizations to design and implement trainings and provider engagement events; develop a robust set of communication activities; and support planning efforts for the development of networks of care.
The second round of grants provide funding to community-based organizations to strengthen and develop a formalized network of care in their communities. These grants support the alignment of existing community networks of care with the best practices detailed in the Office of the California Surgeon General Trauma-Informed Network of Care Roadmap.
The third round of grants were awarded to teams that will be led by clinics and will include community-based organizations (CBOs) and Medi-Cal managed care plans. Teams will identify gaps in their communities in care and services and, through a statewide learning collaborative, leverage existing and new sources of state funding to build sustainable capacity to fill these gaps.
“ACEs Aware grantees are doing powerful and amazing work. We are changing practices, culture, ourselves, institutions, and our communities.”
ACEs Aware Grant Categories
31 grants were awarded to help educate Medi-Cal providers about the importance of incorporating ACE screening into their clinical practice, as well as how to administer screenings, use clinical protocols to determine evidence-based treatment plans, and provide trauma-informed care.
83 grants were awarded to supplement and promote ACEs Aware activities. These grants help organizations offer additional opportunities for providers and other stakeholders to share lessons learned and best practices that are tailored to specific geographic areas, patient populations, providers, and practice settings.
36 grants were awarded to supplement ACEs Aware activities by reaching organization members and other key audiences with information about provider training and engagement opportunities, and increase awareness about the overall initiative. Organizations use a wide range of communication approaches to share ACEs Aware information, as well as their own content tailored to their audiences.
27 Network of Care Planning grants totaling $7.9 million were awarded across 25 counties. Planning grants focus on communities with a high prevalence of ACEs, rural and tribal areas, and some communities that do not have existing ACEs response activities underway.
8 Network of Care Implementation grants totaling $22.9 million has been awarded across eight counties. Implementation grants focus on communities that demonstrate the highest level of clinical and operational readiness and engagement with Medi-Cal providers to fully execute trauma-informed networks of care. Implementation grantees will also leverage information technology platforms to help communities improve health outcomes for patients and families.
Twenty-five PRACTICE grants totaling $19.5 million have been awarded across 15 counties. The funding was awarded to teams led by clinics and include community-based organizations (CBOs) and Medi-Cal managed care plans. Teams will identify gaps in their communities in care and services and, through a statewide learning collaborative, led by the Public Health Innovation Lab (PHIL), will leverage existing and new sources of state funding to build sustainable capacity to fill these gaps. The learning collaborative will offer grantees coaching, technical assistance, training, tailored web discussions, access to subject-matter experts, resources, and peer-to-peer learning to support teams to achieve their goals.