ACEs Aware Grants
Funding community-based approaches to address ACEs and toxic stress

“What fuels my optimism is the broad range of steps already being taken to advance innovative solutions. We have an army of people who have rolled up their sleeves and are willing and ready to help, or are already hard at work on these issues.”
One of the key elements of the ACEs Aware initiative is to ensure that a significant amount of the available resources for the program are used at the community level.
Tailoring strategies for addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress to the needs of each community is critical to achieving the goal of reducing ACEs by half in one generation. Through the ACEs Aware initiative, a total of $64.5 million in grant funds have been distributed across the state of California.
ACEs Aware grantees have been working to educate clinicians and communities about ACEs and toxic stress and the importance of prevention, treatment, and healing. Grantees are also building and growing existing trauma-informed networks of care in their communities. Working together, we can advance and promote these informed and inspired approaches and leverage them in service of the goal of unlocking the potential of Californians for generations to come.
To ensure clinicians and their practices are equipped with evidence-based training, tools, and resources to effectively incorporate ACE screening into patient care, we have released three rounds of ACEs Aware grants in six categories:
- Provider Engagement
- Provider Training
- Communications
- Network of Care Planning
- Network of Care Implementation
- PRACTICE – Preventing and Responding to ACE-Associated Health Conditions and Toxic Stress in Clinics through Community Engagement
Find out more about the grants program, current grantees and the work they are doing, and information about upcoming grantee events.