ACEs Aware Data Reports

The mission of ACEs Aware is to promote universal screening for Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) across the Medi-Cal population and train health care teams to prevent, identify, screen, and respond to childhood adversity and toxic stress.

We are dedicated to measuring and communicating data that tracks progress toward achieving our goals.

Healthcare provider consulting older patient

ACE Screening of Medi-Cal Members*:

  • Number of members screened
  • Number of screens conducted
  • Percentage of members screened with high ACE scores (4+ ACEs)

*Based on Medi-Cal claims data

A clipboard with a checklist

Medi-Cal Claims for ACE Screenings

Medi-Cal clinicians conducted more than
ACE Screenings of
unique Medi-Cal members.

Of the 1,697,070 unique Medi-Cal beneficiaries ages 0 to 20 screened for ACEs, 7% had an ACE score of 4 or more.

Of the 489,970 unique Medi-Cal beneficiaries ages 21 to 64 screened for ACEs, 17% had an ACE score of 4 or more.

Data from: January 1, 2020 through March 31, 2024

From most recent data report (February 2025)

Training of Health Care Teams:

  • Becoming ACEs Aware in California training completions and attestations
Icon depicting a laptop with medical training information

Training & Certification

individuals completed the training

Medi-Cal clinicians are ACEs Aware-certified**

63% of participants indicated that they plan to implement changes in their practice based on the information presented in the training.

Before the training

55% of participants were not screening any patients for ACEs.

After the training

63% of participants who were not previously screening patients for ACEs indicated that they planned to implement routine ACE screening for children or adults.

Data from: December 4, 2019 through December 31, 2024

From most recent data report (February 2025)

Online Interactive Maps and Published Reports

Maps and Interactive Data Visualizations

  • ACE screenings by age and by county (and total for state)
  • ACE screenings with four or more ACEs, by county and age:
  • Training Data: Becoming ACEs Aware in California core training completions by county (and total for state)

This video shows the interactive data visualizations in action.