Policy Resources

The California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) is responsible for implementing Medi-Cal payments to clinicians to deliver Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) screenings for children and adults under age 65 in the Medi-Cal program.
DHCS also administers changes and improvements in the Medi-Cal program through the CalAIM initiative. CalAIM is a set of transformational program and policy changes that offer expanded services for Medi-Cal members, including many that are relevant for preventing and responding to ACEs, to reduce health disparities and advance health equity statewide.
Below are background and resource materials for clinicians, Medi-Cal managed care plans, and other stakeholders to support implementation of ACE screening and response. This page will be updated as additional resources are available.
ACE Screening Implementation
PPL 22-009: Local Educational Agency Medi-Cal Billing Option Program (LEA-BOP) Reimbursement for Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) Screening Services (March 22, 2022)
- This Policy and Procedure Letter (PPL) notifies LEAs participating in the LEA-BOP about reimbursement opportunities for EPSDT screening services provided by LEAs. The EPSDT benefit provides comprehensive and preventive health care services to Medi-Cal enrolled individuals younger than 21 years of age. These services are key to ensuring children and youth receive appropriate preventive services, as well as all services necessary to address any defects, illnesses, or conditions identified through EPSDT screenings
“State Plan Amendment 21-0045: Proposition 56 Directed Payments for Developmental Screening Services” APL Eliminates Sunset Date for Supplemental Payments for Developmental Screenings and Trauma Screenings (September 30, 2021)
ACE Screening State Planning Amendment (SPA) (November 3, 2020)
- Authorizes time-limited payments to support ACE screenings for children and adults, effective January 1, 2020, through December 31, 2021.
Trauma Attestation Newsflash (January 13, 2020)
- Medi-Cal publication alerting providers that the Trauma Screening Training Attestation page is available on the Medi-Cal Website.
DHCS All Plan Letter 19-018: Proposition 56 Directed Payments for ACE Screening Services (December 26, 2019)
- APL 19-018 (updated in APL 21-0045) outlines requirements for ACE screening, including required training and attestation to bill for screening and is updated here. See updated link to training and attestation.
DHCS Stakeholder Update: Trauma & Developmental Screenings Webinar (December 11, 2019)
- This webinar provides policy implementation updates on trauma and developmental screenings.
ACE Screening Newsflash (December 3, 2019)
- Medi-Cal publication that screening for ACEs is a Medi-Cal-covered benefit.
Archive of Authorizing Legislation and Policies for ACEs Aware Screening and Payments
ACE Screening State Planning Amendment (SPA) (November 3, 2020)
- Authorizes time-limited payments to support ACE screenings for children and adults, effective January 1, 2020, through December 31, 2021.
Assembly Bill 340: Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment Program: Trauma Screening
- Assembly Bill (AB) 340 (Arambula, Chapter 700, Statutes of 2017) required DHCS and the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) to convene a workgroup to advise on the appropriate tools and protocols for screening children for trauma within the Medi-Cal Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT) benefit. The link above contains information about the AB 340 Trauma Screening Advisory Workgroup members, past meeting archives, and additional resources. As mandated by AB 340, the workgroup submitted a letter to DHCS and the Legislative budget subcommittees on health and human services outlining their evaluation and recommendations.
- This Letter to all Health Care Plans in California includes requirements that all health care plans providing coverage for pediatric services and preventative care additionally include coverage of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) screenings.